Collection – September, 2022

In a threatened forest, entities with reversible and porous carapaces unfolding like flowers with cutting petals, giving a glimpse through ogival openings of both the interior of these plant armours and the naked bodies that inhabit them. By opening up, these entities eager for new forms become desirable fruits, baits reaching out to the other until they become in part that other.

In this porosity of intertwined worlds, metallic objects are found alongside them, extensions of consciousness born of these chimerical bodies and the wild power of this nomadic thought. Deviant and inconstant, these autonomous entities multiply the possibilities, escaping and resisting any stifling normative form through their differences.

Each garment is reversible, designed and handcrafted from a single fabric with two different sides. The two facets of the fabric and the seams are interwoven on both sides of the garment. Therefore, the garment embodies a multiplicity of differences as well as a porosity of supposedly hermetic categories such as an inside and an outside, human and non human.The garments are made of deadstock fabrics.

Photography, garments, sculptures _ New Relation
Light Design _ Bertrand Dussart