To Face
Paris Art Lab, Paris, September 2020
Made from recycled materials, the bag itself is recyclable. For this purpose, New Relation has developed a fabric consisting of the assembly of fishing nets recovered from the sea (waste from intensive fishing tools), trapped in regenerated Econyl nylon.
For the duration of an exhibition we have extended this thought that surrounds and permeates the bag by staging it. It presents a device designed to psychoanalyze the bag as a conscious subject. The bag, in the center of the room, is placed on a couch and faces a chair. We hear fragments of interviews mixed with the recomposed sound of an ocean: these are the voices of researchers questioning a relationship with the off-centered environment.
The edition, carrying the same title as the exhibition, collects and unfolds the series of interviews heard in fragments at the exhibition.
The common horizon of these exchanges is the need to take stock of the omnipresent trace of the human being on earth, and to think of new relationships and ways of being to what is said to be “natural”. We believe that the words of researchers make it possible “to face” in a double sense: to face the reality of the anthropocene world, and to stand up to imagine new solutions. To Face is thus presented as a series of interviews in a form close to discussion, mingling geography, epistemology, anthropology, language sciences and environmental psychology.
Bag,sculptures,sound installation_ New Relation
Interviews with: Alix Cosquer (Researcher in Environmental Psychology) – Loïc Fel (Philosopher) – Aurélia Gualdo (PhD student in Anthropology) – Géraldine Le Roux (Ethnologist) – Michel Lussault (Philosopher) – Stéphanie Posthumus (Specialist in ecocriticism)
Editorial direction and interview production: Leonore Larrera and Alexandre Parodi
Graphic design: Alice Villiers
To Face print edition available here: